I am two-weeks in to an 8-week Meditation Retreat and I am finding that I have had to adjust my writing schedule and the timings of the readings & divinations. Everything is flowing in a whole new paradigm and just not according to the old time frame though the messages and meanings are still key to the energy of the time.

THE TAROT CARD FOR THIS WEEK is Key 8 ~ JUSTICE in this deck, but is reversed with Key 11 ~ STRENGTH in other decks ~ ARCHANGEL RAGUEL is often referred to as the ‘Archangel of Justice and Fairness’ and sometimes known as the ‘Archangel of Speech.’ The astrological counterpart is LEO, the lion standing for leadership, self-dominion and implicit trust in one’s own abilities. The Justice Tarot card here has to do with moral sensitivity and that which gives rise to empathy, compassion, and a sense of fairness. This image represents a stand for the humane and fair-minded treatment of other beings. One doesn’t need to exert control over others; one’s strength comes from a base of wisdom and knowledge. This divination, also reminds us to be careful, to be attentive to important details, not to overlook or minimize anything. The law of karma is represented here — what goes around comes around. It certainly won’t happen when you expect it to and believe me these companies involved in profiteering from the pandemic IN NYC and probably elsewhere will eventually receive their comeuppance. They are not operating in the spirit of the season nor from the heart of compassion. Here’s the link:
JUSTICE is telling us that we have the innate ability to deal with whatever life brings to our door and that we can draw from deep within the fountain of chi, our enormous energy reserve, to break through and overcome obstacles. It is the moment to seize control of one’s own destiny and move forward with plans. As we cultivate this inner fortitude, this balance, we attract the contacts and opportunities we need.
In regards to health, things take a dramatic turn for the better, perhaps because we’ve all taken notice and individually are more aware, being cognizant of others, keeping distance, wearing masks and we certainly are really getting creative and having fun with the designs. Finding joy and laughter is so important for our general and mental health. It is also important to capitalise on this time by creating healthy dietary and lifestyle habits – exercise regimens, meditation, relaxation, journaling, are just a few ideas where we can implement and get to socialize during this time out. Healthy also means opening our hearts with compassion and doing something that benefits others like what the fantastic NYC designer, Christian Siriano, did by closing his atelier and going into mass production for the NY State Health workers.
JUSTICE is known for fair and just decisions. Doing what you know is right. Standing up for your beliefs.
RAGUEL is a champion to underdogs, and he can help those who feel slighted or mistreated to become more empowered and respected. He is like a battery so he will energize you when you need a boost. Just think of the Energizer Bunny 🙂
The angels, guides, mentors are nudging us to make wise and carefully considered decisions, with fairness toward everyone involved (ourselves included). When one cannot be objective, seek out someone who can be an arbitrator, a mentor. The card indicates that a decision will be made in our favour. As we follow the protocol let’s visualise that the curve is flattening and that our joint efforts are fruitful.
DOING WHAT IS RIGHT. Taking responsibility for our actions. Resisting injustice. Standing up for our beliefs. Issuing or accepting an apology.
RAGUEL is known as the Archangel who creates harmony within relationships, and who can help us make decisions that involve other people. You can call upon him to make peace between you and others as his purpose is to support growth and transformation for everyone involved.
Here is a lovely prayer to welcome RAGUELS’ energy into your life and relationships:

Beloved Archangel Raguel,
I call upon your radiance now.
I ask that you adjust my inner light and vibration so that they’re completely focused on aligning with the highest and healthiest relationships for my life.
I now willingly release any attachments to unhealthy thoughts and behaviors.
I open my heart to new positive experiences.
Please guide my choices.
Please help me to see my life with clarity.
Please comfort me as I acknowledge my fears.
Please support me in knowing that I deserve the best that life and love have to offer me.
I am ready to feel safe and secure in my world.
And so it is … Amen.
We are in the midst of Sacred Judeo-Christian holidays; Passover which began April 8th and ends on the 16th, and now we come upon Good Friday and Easter weekend. These are times when families and loved ones traditionally come together to worship and break bread and now are having to be creative virtually. This is one of my favourite holidays because after fasting and releasing the old cluttered spirit and mind, the murky chi as they say in Chinese medicine, one celebrates the resurrection, which I believe represents our own personal rebirth, our own personal chance to make a shift, to breathe in the new air of Spring with its verdant splendour.
An Easter gift basket for us all. I am thrilled and touched that this Bodhisattva of music, this legend who channels the angels has been invited to sing solo from the Duomo of Milano on Easter Day, One Voice, Music For Hope for the world. May peace be with you, may you find a new way of being during this portal, and may it be so!
In keeping with the spirit of the season, this weeks deck is The Angel Tarot Cards by Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine with beautiful artwork by Steve A. Roberts.