This week’s card speaks firstly to our specialists out in the field. Our wonderful noble doctors, researchers, pharmacists who are working night and day determined and committed to search for a way to stabilize this virus.

These brilliant minds are working and collaborating internationally, sharing data, and rushing to find a vaccine, or just stop the spread especially for our older more vulnerable community and those working in the field. As you will see in the meaning of the divination below, the Aquarians’ value system is constantly prioritizing the people who need them the most.

Secondly, this kind of collaboration is also very prescient within the work of our Governors in the US and I am sure elsewhere in the world, resourcing medical experts advice, and sharing data, acting swiftly, concentrating efforts, personnel and technology and asking for what they need from the Federal Government and suppliers.

Out of the mayhem, may a new, fresh start be created. May we look forward in an equitable balance with nature as we see some of her inhabitants retake spaces we have over-occupied as a human species with our fast cars and boats – such as dolphins swimming in the clear blue waters of the canals of Venice, or while wild turkeys cross the empty roads of Long Island in my sisters’ neighbourhood.

We raised up the bar to meet the isolation head on as some of us have taken to meeting on ZOOM  or other applications that enhance connection, practicing our meditation, our yoga, our Sheng Zhen Qi Gong , listening to the music of the quarantined and participating in conference calls with business associates with children on laps, chatting with friends and family.

For the Italians who inspired it… for the Irish… for ANYONE who this St. Patrick’s day is in a tight spot and still singing. For the doctors, nurses, carers on the front line, it's you we’re singing to.Bono

Posted by U2 on Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Bono released new music this week that he said was “inspired” by the people in Italy

May the highest vision of Aquarian equality and individual freedom, bring and dispense new brilliant visionary knowledge to be shared equally and individually for all.

SIX OF SWORDS: SCIENCE/2nd Decan of Aquarius (The Star) ruled by Mercury (The Magician)

” The perfect balance of all the mental and moral faculties, and almost impossible to hold in an ever-changing world.”

Some of the Sabian Symbol correlations for this Decan are:

Aquarius (10-11): ‘During a silent hour, a man receives a New Inspiration which may change his life”

Aquarius (11-12) ‘On a vast staircase stand people of different types, graduated upward’

Aquarius (18-19): ‘A Forest fire is being subdued by the use of water, chemicals and sheer muscular energy’

We see a very chaotic background with the swords crossed at the centre over a Rosicrucian cross.

This card was originally named, ‘The Lord of Earned Success’ which implies success after struggle. It stands for intellectual clarity learned from difficult experiences; we have grown through tough times, and now have a handle on life and can make intelligent decisions that will benefit all. There is a greater level of awareness to our thinking and actions, which can mean a situation is getting better. There has been something in this situation, which they have not been able to come to grips with but now we have Aquarians, who are often big-picture thinkers and who can see connections in a way that eludes others.

Linked to the Tiphareth in the Kabbalah’s Tree of Life, it brings clear headedness and the powers and discrimination of scientific analysis.

The number six signifies harmony, beauty, love, and reconciliation of opposites, well-being, responsibility and purpose.

Mercury is exalted in Aquarius highlighting innovation, humanitarianism, originality, the intellect, and is detached by nature. They have energy, warmth, and a deep desire to get things done will never accept “good enough”. With Mercury’s ability to analyse will bring a clearer perspective as we move forward. This represents communicating ideas that are new and unconventional in an orderly way.

Sometimes you just have to let your own ideas slide when you come upon something or someone so fabulous that it stops you in your tracks. The work of this multi-talented & multidisciplinary UK artist is one of those. Luke Jerram’s works go into my category of “J’ADORE’ – and this particular work ties so beautifully into the GATE OF THE MOON. It is called the Museum of the Moon, but this piece is really a MOON TEMPLE in and of itself, as shown below here in this video placed in the Great Hall with its special blue lighting, just watch as you enter into the womb of the installation. All these images speak for themselves.

The fact that Bristol, UK was the inspiration with its enormous high and low tides – 13 feet difference at times – brings the feminine directly into play. It ties into the Moon and her myths, her cycles, how they affect the earth and each one of us, tying into our emotions, our bodies, and especially the women, as we are directly affected by her within our own Moon cycles.

We have just passed the Equinox, day of equal light and dark, and have entered into our Autumn season here above the equator as well as just experiencing a gorgeous Full Moon the following day – very potent tidings. Why not start taking note of the Moon and her cycles and see how it affects your moods, and your body. Keep a journal, take note, or make art. Getting in touch with seasons, luminaries, planets, flowers, and things outside of our own little universe can make for powerful teaching and awakening. I know I was feeling funkier than usual, and I tapped inside with my meditations, and checked and looked at my chart and this Moon was definitely contacting my astrology and my psyche.

This installation is now traveling the globe – how fitting as the Moon, herself travels around us. It will be interesting to see how each site affects the participants. Check here  to see if it is coming to a city near you.

Next time you see the ocean and her tides think of how everyone, everywhere on this magnificent globe of ours is seeing another tide in another place and another way and yet we are all connected. Ending with another piece by Luke Jerram of our wonderful GAIA, MOTHER EARTH reminding us to take note of our seasonal changes here and what they bring and how we are one beautiful connected living being. How fitting that you see the Moon and the Earth together in their unified field. Remember to get in touch within and keep in touch and let me know how your perusing goes.

Image: Ocean Pavilion by Luke Jerram

Videos: Luke Jerram