As 2019 draws to a close, I wanted to give you an update on life here on my end of the pond. While 2019 had its challenges all over the world, it has continued to be a trying year here in many respects somewhat due to the after effects of our biblical events – fires, floods, mudslides & illnesses – which had put the city of Santa Barbara & town of Montecito in PTSD mode. We had a quick scare recently, which triggered that mode again & had many nerves on edge, but the firefighters & rains thoroughly eliminated all danger for the Thanksgiving holidays. There was much gratitude in everyone’s prayers during those holiday meals.
As we come close to the end of this year and epoch, the sense is now, that there’s light beginning to shine in after digging out of the challenges of the past time period, a promise of beginning again & a sense of getting back to basics under all these Capricorn stellium aspects – structure, the skin & bones of the body & things, stability, the state, the empire, the collective – just look at the news and you can see it right before you. With the holiday season, people are now smiling, bustling about shopping, holiday parties have begun, the Post Office has queues out the door, Christmas & Hanukkah lights and decorations seem at an all time high with some over-the-top competition going on.
It has been a year of going within, retreats, a deeply meditative time, which has been incredibly healing for many, and for me personally it has strengthened my resolve to continue my Feng Shui & Re-Design practice, creating beauty & sacred space, my writing & blogs will recommence & I’ll be adding more of a focus on divination and the use of astrology as counseling & mentoring tools, as a means to be of further service to others.
With the year ending, we passed the Solstice point yesterday, it is still in effect with the Sun (Sol) stationary, standing still (sistere) for 3 days, the darkest night, which is a time of honouring our lessons & accomplishments, thus begins the return to luminosity. Ceremonies are being held across continents in different cultures for this portal. It is an excellent time to reflect on where we have been & where we are going, moving towards a time of opening to new ideas, goals & interesting possibilities. Don’t forget to join by lighting a candle, meditate or say a prayer!
Then for Xmas Day (here in California), we have a New Moon Eclipse in Earth with the Sun & Moon adding to that stellium in Capricorn – it is one packed house! All these points & planets run the gamut from the personal & emotional to the collective, focusing intently on the rules, restrictions, the structures – governmental, societal & familial – construction or deconstruction. Earth eclipses can bring an abrupt turning point, a new start. Yet this eclipse is also a lovely one, bringing sentiments of generosity, abundance, bestowing gifts – how appropriate for Christmas Day. There is so much happening that each one of us will experience this event differently in relation to our natal chart. Awareness is key.
Thus during this holiday season hold those near & dear close to your hearts & in your arms. As 2020 starts the beginning of a new epoch, we have transformative & tumultuous times & changes ahead. Life will not be the same by its end. Hold onto your hats as it is going to be one interesting ride!
Sending you lots of love & light,