Often we hit the week running with our goals and projects in mind only to find by mid-week that we’ve lost our steam, have either gotten waylaid by other demands for our attention and time, or by urgencies that have arisen in our environment, politics or the world. It’s easy to be thrown for a loop in these turbulent transformational times.
I’ve already done my Divination for the weekly energies with the I CHING, but I like to pull a TAROT card to bring me into focus midweek, to show me something I’ve been missing, or perhaps an entirely new point of reference that I should steer my attention towards. I hope you find this helpful as you move forward through the end of your week.
THIS WEEKS CARD: THE EMPEROR: Commander of Intellections: action as a free and autonomous individual, action taken as a direct result of rational decision. Astrologically this is ARIES whose affirmation is “I AM.”
As an archetypal ruler he represents the most exemplary person in the realm, a powerful head of state, high leadership, responsibility with self-control and endurance, discipline and focus. The Emperor is a protector, who masters physical manifestation and the world of matter, performs useful actions and gives justice and order to the world and a formidable character.
He appears as an affirmation of your powers of self-determination. It is you that must define your destination, and then lead the charge. He appears when you are being called to direct and reign, restore order in your life path, and to enhance personal discipline. Fears must be overcome because now is the time to for you to conquer new frontiers with savoir-faire.
For me this week on the national & political level, the card seems to be symbolically pointing to what has happened with Joseph Biden, who seems to be taking his place in the race for the Democratic leader. He has endured through ups and downs and now has been predicted to have moved into 1st place.
More personally, it’s about honouring my truth, abiding by my principles, standing in my power even if it does not coalesce with the norm. The Emperor appears to us to throw us a challenge: we must know our destination before we can lead and he is doing just that, calling us to lead. Do you know where you are going, what frontieres you must conquer and how you will lead?!? Have you had any signs, omens that you’ve ignored lately? This week I looked up into the sky and there were three red tailed hawks circling close over head – not one – three! They are always a totem for me of swift powerful change. May it be so.
The image of the card above this week is from the Spirit Keepers Tarot by Benebell Wen an unending source of inspiration and online teachings of all things esoteric. She is my new fave and I highly recommend that you visit her website and her youtube videos. Just tap on the names above. She makes all this fun and informational with her logical lawyer mind mixed with her esoteric, spiritual side. She is a wealth of knowledge embodied in such a young woman.
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